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Monitoring und GPU OC - Software Sammlung & Fragen

AMD führt das generative KI-Tool Amuse 2.0 für Ryzen und Radeon ein und bietet XDNA Super Resolution

MSI Afterburner 4.6.6 Beta 5 Build

  • Added RTSS overlay compatibility with Smooth Motion in Direct3D11 games
  • Smooth Motion Direct3D12 compatibility path (which previously required manually setting QueueDetection to 2) is also automatically enabled now, when RTSS detects NVIDIA Smooth Motion's hook module (nvpresent64.dll) is detected in context of 3D application.
  • Added NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 series graphics cards support:
  • Added quad fan control support for reference design NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 series graphics cards
  • Added software interface for future G-Assist integration
  • MSI Windows 11 Dark skin is selected as default application skin now. Please take a note that quad fan control GUI is currently available in Dark and Light editions of MSI Windows 11 skins only. If you prefer to use some older legacy skins on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 with 3 or 4 independently controllable fans, you may still switch between all fans in async fan control mode by pressing <Shift>+<F> repeatedly
  • Added new MSI Special skin by Drerex design. New skin natively supports quad fan control feature on reference design NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50x0 series graphics cards
  • Added voltage control support for low-cost revisions of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40x0 GPUs
  • Refactored CPU info database format provides more simplified and unified future database updates for MSI Afterburner monitoring HAL, CPU.dll sample plugin and RivaTuner Statistics Server’s own monitoring HAL
  • Updated HwInfo.dll plugin. Now the plugin can automatically spawn new versions on HwInfo, which now store path to installed application in slightly different installer’s registry key
  • Added experimental support for AMD Ryzen 9xxx CPUs
  • Added experimental support for Intel Arrow Lake CPUs
  • RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v7.3.7 Beta 5

A few important notes:

  • Experimental support for new CPU families support is provided "as is". It is unofficial application's functionality provided with zero support obligations, it was added blindly and was not tested on actual hardware. Any demands to extend it further or fix it in any form will not be accepted.
  • VBlank counters monitoring API is currently not supported by NVIDIA drivers on RTX 5000 series graphics cards, so dynamic VRR display frequency monitoring inside RTSS OverlayEditor's HAL will not work properly.
  • Abnormally high PCIE bus load can be observed on RTX 5000 series graphics cards during simple typical 2D operations like windows movement / scrolling etc. We believe it is 2D acceleration related bug in early RTX 5000 drivers.
  • GPU HotSpot sensor on RTX 5000 series graphics cards is currently not supported and reports fixed 255C temperature in RTSS OverlayEditor's HAL.

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