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Intel 8700K high temps in Assassins Creed Origins. Can i play with that temps?


Bekanntes Mitglied
Hi. This is the only 1 game ( Assassins Creed Origins ) that hitting my 8700K to abnormal temps. Temps goes to 80 and climbing in random areas to 90-95C and occasionally spikes to 100C.

In other games temps are 70-85C. ( Doom, 3dmarks,GTA V , Final Fantasy benchmark XV , Call of Duty World War II)

I have 8700K with cooler M9i Cryoring , motherboard Asus Z370 Pro Gaming. MCE is on. XMP memory ON.

8700K clock are 4700mhz.

Is this safe to play with that temps or i must change something?
First step, reinstall the cooler for solve issue with thermalpaste.
I will say, "in other games" 70-85C is to high for sure...

How long you must play for this temps? 3min or 10min or 60min?
Can you show the System with a pic?

Thanks mate
Cooler was mounted by my friend. I think he mounted properly. In other games temps are 70-85C sometimes.

Only in AC:Origins temps are 90C-with spikes to 100C. After a moment i see this temperatures. Maybe 2-3 minutes.
Cooler was mounted by my friend. I think he mounted properly. In other games temps are 70-85C sometimes.

Only in AC:Origins temps are 90C-with spikes to 100C. After a moment i see this temperatures. Maybe 2-3 minutes.
The speed of temps goes high sounds like bad install from cooler,
All games make the Temps higher then normal, so i will say its 99% the CPU-Cooler.

Softwareside i cant see the problem. When the temps need 30-40 min. you have a problem with your case or airflow, but here i would reinstall the cooler and look for the pressure and the thermal paste.

When you or your friend reinstall the cooler, make pls picture to see more, that would help

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